U.S. – Oman Free Trade Agreement

The United States-Oman Free Trade Agreement (FTA) builds on existing FTAs to promote economic reform and openness. Implementation of the obligations contained in the comprehensive agreement will generate export opportunities for U.S. goods and services providers, solidify Oman’s trade and investment liberalization, and strengthen intellectual property rights protection and enforcement.

Rules of Origin

Articles can qualify by either being wholly grown/produced/manufactured in a party or by substantial transformation with a value-added content. There are also a few articles that have specific rules of origin. See Chapter Three “Textiles and Apparel” and Chapter Four “Rules of Origin, Annex 4A” of the
Final Text.

A good is originating if it is imported directly from the territory of one Party into the territory of other Party, and:
(a) it is a good wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of one or both of the Parties;
(b) for goods other than those covered by the rules in Annex 3-A (Rules of Origin for Textile or Apparel Goods) or Annex 4-A, the good is a new or different article of commerce that has been grown, produced, or manufactured in the territory of one or both of the Parties; and the sum of

(c) for goods covered by the rules in Annex 3-A (Rules of Origin for Textile or Apparel Goods) or Annex 4-A, the good has satisfied the requirements specified in that Annex.

For definition of the above terms, see Final Text at USTR-U.S.-Oman FTA.

In addition to the above rules of origin, there may be other ways to qualify your product:

Claiming/Documenting Origin

Importer shall be prepared to submit to the customs authorities of the importing country, upon request, a declaration setting forth all pertinent information concerning the production or manufacture of the article.

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