
The third output of the manufacturing process is the record of the manufacturing – a series of documents that need to be created, stored and maintained for a variety of reasons.

Manufacturing Process Documentation

An important output of the manufacturing process is the record of the manufacturing.

For medical products, there is a required Device History Record (DHR) which documents all the important milestones in the product manufacture and service history for the life of the product. Depending on the level of risk, other non-medical products have DHRs which follow the product for its life. Almost all these records are maintained electronically.

Standard Documentation – this includes business documents, Bill of Lading, Invoices, Status reports, etc. It also includes Batch Records – these records identify the job numbers and personnel working on a group of products. The batch records are useful in tracing manufacturing process controls. We maintain electronic records for our QMS system which includes Document Control, Device Master Records, CAPA systems, Engineering Change Records, Product Deviation Records, etc.

Market Required Documentation – records of the manufacture and component traceability may be required by your market. This information needs to be given to the manufacturer as they begin the manufacturing process design to be sure the correct information is being recorded and maintained. Many companies, including Product Resources, use electronic records for capturing this information so we can track the product configuration, test results, and performance. We store batch records of a product build, and in most cases, we maintain individual records for each unit by part number / serial number.